26th to the 28th of April 2017 in CSIRO Clayton (Melbourne), Australia
A graphical depiction of the “methanol economy” with energy stored in Fuels and Chemicals, specifically methanol in this case. [ image credit: Jim Patel CSIRO]
Sponsored jointly by the CSIRO Office of the Chief executive and the Catalysis Society of Australia this cutting edge science symposium seeks to bring together chemists, material scientists, chemical engineers and process scientists from academia, government and industry with a focus on catalysed processes for storing and transporting energy.
View the symposium program
Abstract submission and Registration are now closed. Contact Xingdong Wang (xingdong.wang@csiro.au), head of the organising committee to facilitate last minute attendance.
Wind and solar are mature sustainable energy sources, but they are not constantly available. Technologies for the storage of renewable energy during peaks in production remain a challenge. Storage of this electricity as chemicals is a flexible approach allowing their later use in regeneration of electricity or as saleable products. This symposia aims to revitalise catalysis research that has been long dormant in Australia by bringing together the academic researchers, catalyst companies, government agencies and local chemical industry for talks and discussions.
A focus of the Symposium will be to build a vision of the role of catalysed chemical manufacture as a mechanism for energy storage and transport. As an outcome of this symposium a road-map for these activities in the Australian context will be prepared.
Abstracts are requested from scientists wishing to contribute presentations in the field of catalysis and provide a perspective related to the symposium focus.
Download the Abstract template
Submit abstracts via email as documents to danielle.kennedy@csiro.au .
Symposium Chair
Plenary speakers
Keynote speakers

Professor Barbara Messerle
Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, Australia. Expert in homogenous catalysis, C-X (X= N, O, S) bond formation.
Presentation Title: Approaches to Transition Metal Catalysis - Multimetallic and Hybrid Systems

Professor Rose Amal
Head of School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Expert in photocatalysis.
Presentation Title: Light Enhanced Catalysis

Dr Xingdong Wang
CSIRO Manufacturing, Australia
Expertise in porous titania nanomaterial photocatalysts
Presentation Title: Titania nanomaterials as photocatalysts
Ian Wark Laboratory, CSIRO, Research Way, Clayton Victoria Australia

Suggested Accommodation
Novotel Glen Waverley - www.novotelglenwaverley.com.au
A discounted rate of $205 per night from Tuesday 25th April to Thursday 27th April 2017 is available for conference attendees. Attendees will need to contact the hotel directly by email or phone: +61 3 8561 2345 or h2068@accor.com and state “CSIRO Open Block 2017” or the code “CSIRO250417” to access the discounted rate. All room enquiries will be subject to availability and the discount will be available up to 30 days prior to the arrival to access this rate, so Friday 24th March 2017 will be the cut off date for this rate to be accessed.
Transfers will be available to and from the venue to this hotel.