On the 12th of November 2015 CSIRO sponsored and hosted a workshop at their Clayton site to reinvigorate the Catalysis Society of Australia (CSA). This workshop co-chaired by Danielle Kennedy (CSIRO) and Rachel Caruso (UMelb) on behalf of the CSA brought together researchers in chemical catalysis to build networks and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

It was an extremely productive and useful day for all who attended. The quality of presentations on a wide variety of topics in catalysis has excellent and the papers were extremely well received with a lot of useful discussion. Also a number of collaborative ideas were seeded in the room.
In the program below if you click on the name of the speaker or chair you will see an image captured during their presentation. Welcome slides presented by Dr Kennedy are also accessible through the link in the program.
A gallery of networking images during the day is being collated and will be published on the CSA facebook account.
Networking Tea and Coffee
Opening and Welcome from CSA
Michael Stockenhuber
Welcome from CSIRO
Danielle Kennedy
Session 1
Heterogeneous catalysis for sustainable chemical processes
Jun Huang, University of Sydney
Recent Progress in Direct Photocatalysis of Supported Metal Nanoparticles for organic synthesis
Huai-Yong Zhu, Queensland University of Technology
Conversion of Biomass to Feedstock Molecules
Leigh Aldous, University of New South Wales
11:00-11:30 - Morning Tea
Session 2
Chair: Rachel Caruso, University of Melbourne
Carbon-based Ru catalysts for hydrogen production |
Li Li, University of Queensland
1D and 3D MnO2 for catalytic oxidation of organic pollutants in water
Shaobin Wang, Curtin University
Heterogeneous Catalysts for CO2 utilisation
Alan Chaffee, Monash University
12:30-1:20 - Lunch
Session 3
Chair: Thomas Maschmeyer University of Sydney
Catalysts for treatment of environmental pollutants
Jason Scott, University of New South Wales
Photocatalysis with mesoporous titania
Xingdong Wang, CSIRO Manufacturing
Catalysis research in CSIRO Energy
Ken Chiang, CSIRO Energy
Catalysis Society of Australia
Committee Meeting
Tour of CSIRO RAMP high-throughput catalysis laboratory
Danielle Kennedy and Christian Vogt