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Membership Benefits

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Professional Development and Networking

The CSA run an annual workshop and an annual ECR networking event. These events are free for CSA members to attend and participate in. 

Annual Catalysis Workshop

Catalysis Workshop will provide fundamental and practical knowledge of catalysis technologies. The Catalysis Workshop program will help CSA members to build and update their knowledge on the catalysis technologies.

Annual ECR Networking

Catalysis Early Career Researcher Networking is a group set up to help ECRs including MSc/PhD students to support each other in catalysis research and to communicate with experienced professionals from industries and academia. The event will be organised along with Catalysis Workshop.

Hosting International Conferences

The CSA also support members in attracting and hosting international catalysis conferences in Australia.

Job Advertisements

The CSA provides a job board which available to members to post jobs in Australian catalysis.

CSA Website and Email Alerts

Stay up-to-date on research, international news, events and more through the CSA website and email-alerts.