You are here: Home / Membership / Join CSA

Join/Apply for Membership

The CSA is the Australian society for researchers and professionals who are interested in catalysis, catalysed processes and their application.

Review membership categories.

Find out more about the benefits of membership.

You can join the CSA any time, membership fees are caluclated quarterly. For example if you join in October your membership is valid until 30 June of the following year and you pay 3/4 of the annual membership fee.  Ongoing yearly invoices are issued every June.

Individual full members can join immediately and we will invoice you later.

Student/ECR members should join immediately, and apply to confirm their student or ECR status subsequently.

Required fields are marked: This is a required field.

Account Type
Account Login
  1. A strong password is required. Minimum 6 characters. Must include letters and numbers. Strong password required...
Personal & Contact Details
  1. All membership emails, news, and administrative contact will be sent to this address
  2. Include area code
  3. Include area code
  4. Include area code
  5. Gender This is a required field.
Primary Address
Other Address
Professional Details
  1. Employment Status This is a required field.
  2. CTRL + Click to select multiple
  3. CTRL + Click to select multiple
  4. Service Locations
    Service Locations
Member Search

We offer members at certain levels the option to promote themselves in our member search database. The public member search helps visitors to our site find professional profiles of members of our organisation.  The private member search is only visible to other members of our organisation who log in to the website.

  1. Member Search Preferences
    Member Search Preferences
  2. Displayed on the search results profile page
Sub Accounts

Sub accounts can be attached to your master login account and will be bundled into a single joining and renewal process. 

The number of sub accounts to be attached to your master account login is indicated below. Details of the individual sub accounts can be configured by accessing your member profile after you have joined and logged into the website.

  1. For this account type the annual fee includes up to 5 complimentary accounts (in addition to the master login provided with the account itself).

Email Subscriptions
  1. Mailing List Subscriptions
Submit Form